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Michelle Santa

North Carolina

Michelle Santa is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, a passion that sprung forth due to an unforeseen chronic illness. After years of serving young people, and teaching at various camps and retreats, she is now ministering to the two little hearts God has entrusted her with, her children. As a stay at home mom, she focuses on teaching her children; and as a wounded healer she spends her free time learning and sharing all she can about health and wellness on all levels. 

Silently Suffering: Navigating Invisible Illness through Life's Many Stages

Chronic illness is on the rise, holding its victims hostage at younger ages than ever before. Many of these illnesses can be undiagnosed, or “invisible”. You look healthy, but you carry the weight of your illness with you every day. Whether it’s physical or mental, pain and suffering can leave us feeling hopeless and alone. Come find encouragement for your health journey and some practicals to continue on in grace and hope. 



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