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Conference Schedule


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International: War, Economical, and Political Instability
Addiction & Family
Chronic Health Challenges
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Tragic Loss
Betrayal and Abandonment
Families with Mental Health Challenges or Special Needs

Friday, October 6th

Evening Keynote

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Walking in the Light of His Presence in a Besieged City with Dr. Jennifer Konzen
Friday October 6th 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM PDT /
9:30 PM - 11:00 PM EDT


Saturday, October 7th

Morning Keynote

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Traumatized & Healthy with Jessy Tohme
Saturday, October 7th 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM PDT /
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT


Session One

Saturday, October 7th
8:20 AM - 9:30 AM Pacific / 11:20 AM - 12:30 PM Eastern

Living in Fear

PANEL DISCUSSION: Jolly Busingye, Reem Elkhoury, Alejandra Estrada, Rita Ghareeb, Nadia Kola, Jessy Tohme, Alexochitl Garcia


When your life is in constant danger, when insecurity and fear are with you every step of the way, and when loss and grief become a part of your new reality, it might seem like there's no end to it. Whether we wonder for ourselves or seek to walk with others on their journey, it is important for us to better understand how supporting one another can be vital in these circumstances. This class is about our sisters who have experienced or are experiencing political instability, ongoing war, civil strife, living in drug-lord hostage countries, economic hardship, and their effects on women in these countries and how they coped, are coping, or are managing to stay afloat.

Out of Hell: Mental Health Care and a Journey of Healing

Vera Chimbanda and Yung Gore

Embarking on a path toward mental healing through self-care can be an incredibly empowering and transformative experience with God working in us and through us. It requires us to understand and address our mental health needs with patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to prioritize our well-being. By taking small steps towards self-care, we can gradually unravel the mystery of mental health and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves. While the journey may not be easy, it can lead to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and a more fulfilling life in Christ.

Navigating Waters with Your Spouse’s Addiction

Michelle Talle and Elena Carrillo

How do you see God's grace when your husband is battling an addiction? Come join two women from two different generations as they share their vulnerable stories. Attendees will leave able to identify cycle of addiction, understand how to break it, and also be strengthened to navigate the storm as they hold on to Gods promises.

Afflicted Body, Secure Heart: Healing Resilience Fatigue

Robin Weidner

Even when our bodies disappoint us, as Christians we seek to be strong, spiritual and resilient. Yet if we constantly push past our bodies, we risk ending up spiritually and emotionally fatigued and more vulnerable to illness or injury. By sharing her story of highly-sensitive health and resilience fatigue, Robin will help illuminate God’s path to balance and a secure heart.

Till Death Do Us Part

Roberta Balsom

God, our Father, has plans for each and everyone of us. We have our own plans too, and from how I feel and what I’ve heard from others, none of us would choose to become a widow. This class is for all the women who have lived through the unexpected surprise death of their man or the frightening diagnosis that ultimately leads to our husband’s demise. I’ll be talking about just the months/years of trying to survive, and then ultimately learning to thrive and discover who God now intends for you to be. Hopefully we can all keep growing and understanding that God still has a useful and productive life in store for all of us. We also need to learn how to comfort and help each other and women who will become widows in the future.

The Shock and Shards of Divorce: Waiting on God While Grieving the Death of a Marriage

Cherise Montgomery and Bonnie Mattson

Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. I am worn out calling for help. --Psalm 69:1-3a NIV

Enduring marital betrayal and divorce can feel like you’re drowning in a sea of pain. Often, it’s difficult to connect with God because the pain is combined with confusion and fear for the future. However, we are not alone. We have a Savior who has tasted the bitter fruit of betrayal. He understands our pain and can heal our hearts and give us hope for the future.  

In this class, Bonnie and Cherise will share how they walked with God while grieving the devastation of divorce and allowed Him to reframe the shards of their shattered lives into a mosaic of beauty and peace.

Betrayal: A Gateway to Understanding God’s Love?

Lindy Jurado and Theresa Clark

In our culture, lust, pornography, and affairs have become common and normal to some, even in the church. But Jesus says in Matthew 5:28, “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Join two women whose friendship was birthed out of the darkness of these different forms of adultery in their marriage. They walked through this darkness into personal growth, Christ's likeness, and gaining a deeper meaning of God’s love for them. This time will offer you hope, inspiration, validation and relational practicals as women help women in the wake of betrayal to the present as their journey is not finished yet.

Session Two

Saturday, October 7th
9:50 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific / 12:50 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern

Never Shall I Leave You: A Sister’s Keeper

Jolly Busingye and Nadia Kola

Occasionally, life will present us with obstacles beyond our control, leaving us feeling helpless and lost. This class will demonstrate the significance of reaching out to other disciples wherever you might find yourself in your life's journey, as well as how we can offer others the opportunity to support us and be each other's keepers. Discover how the encounter of two sisters from completely distinct backgrounds led to a friendship that provided support and lightened the burden of an insurmountable challenge. In spite of all the fears that come along with being vulnerable, we must not underestimate the power of reaching out to our sisters and sharing our burdens.

Taking a Look at Trauma-Informed Care: Gaining Insight into Why God Allows Unthinkable Events to Happen

Vera Chimbanda

When it comes to dealing with traumatic events, it's important to approach the situation with a trauma-informed care mindset. This means understanding the impact that the event has had on the individual and recognizing that their behavior and reactions are a result of their trauma. But why does God allow such unthinkable events to happen in the first place? It's a question that many struggle with, and the answer is often complex and difficult to comprehend. This class aims to provide tools for Trauma-Informed Care, including a reflective approach and Biblical insights for dealing with traumatic events.

Relax, Nothing is Under Control

Yung Gore and Glorimar Rivera

All parents desire for their children to be well and healthy, and this also extends to mental health. In this class, join two mothers as they share their experiences, and how they have witnessed God's grace and provision through the ups and downs of parenting and navigating mental health.

In this class, our speakers will openly share about their respective families, the lessons learned, and regrets along the way. You will also hear from the speakers’ children, an adult and a teen, who will tell us about their personal experiences with mental illness, and share some of what has and has not been helpful at home and in their church communities.

No Light at the End of the Tunnel? Find Peace in the Dark

Debbie Kirkpatrick and Gigi Galloway

Join us for a heartfelt gathering as we bring together two mothers who have discovered the peace that transcends understanding amidst the darkness of their child’s addiction.

One of our courageous speakers will share her journey with vulnerability, openly discussing the weight of her own past addiction and the lingering question of its impact on her child's struggles.

The other speaker will draw you in with her own narrative of strength, resilience, and unwavering support for her child facing addiction.

Both women will share their personal experiences with uncertainty, pain, and hope, intimately experiencing the hope only Jesus can bring. By telling their story, what helped, and what didn't, they hope to offer a space of understanding, empathy, and inspiration for all who share a similar path.

Betrayal and Abandonment: Fears, Facts, and the Faithfulness of God

Kim Pullen

Whether your unfaithful spouse has left you, is threatening to depart the marriage, or you’re terrified they will eventually desert you and your children, the only way to face and overcome your fear of rejection and abandonment is by coming face to face with the faithfulness of God.

In this lesson, Kim Pullen will help betrayed wives identify the current state of emotional and/or spiritual abandonment in their marriage, reveal the root of our fear of marital abandonment, and learn how to overcome our fear by confronting our faithlessness in a good, faithful, and omnipotent God.

Messy Worship: Reconciling Childhood Abandonment with the Truth of God

Lisa Roberson and Grace Scheffer

Psalm 66:16 "Come and hear, all you who fear God. Let me tell you what He has done for me."

Experiencing abandonment can leave us feeling rejected, unloved, and lonely. We may abandon our own needs in order to avoid conflict, criticism or disapproval, leading to a lack of authenticity in who we are and how we view others. When we are young we develop attachment styles that serve to protect us. But as we carry them into adulthood these same attachment styles can distort and disrupt our relationships. We place priority on perfection, rather than living in the freedom of the gospel.

In this class we will share our personal abandonment journey and How God has rescued us from the power of the enemy's lies.

As we teach about the affects of abandonment we believe God will continue to bring healing and restoration. By approaching Him in the messiness of our sin and imperfections, it allows us to live in the abundance of his love, acceptance, and grace. Authentic (yet messy) worship.

Silently Suffering: Navigating Invisible Illness through Life's Many Stages

Michelle Santa

Chronic illness is on the rise, holding its victims hostage at younger ages than ever before. Many of these illnesses can be undiagnosed, or “invisible”. You look healthy, but you carry the weight of your illness with you every day. Whether it’s physical or mental, pain and suffering can leave us feeling hopeless and alone. Come find encouragement for your health journey and some practicals to continue on in grace and hope.

The Only Safe Haven (El Unico Refugio Seguro)

Alejandra Estrada and Alexochitl Garcia



Salmo 91:1-6
El que habita al abrigo del Altísimo. Morará bajo la sombra del Omnipotente. Diré yo a Jehová: Esperanza mía, y castillo mío;Mi Dios, en quien confiaré. Él te librará del lazo del cazador, de la peste destructora. Con sus plumas te cubrirá,y debajo de sus alas estarás seguro; Escudo y adarga es su verdad. No temerás el terror nocturno,Ni saeta que vuele de día, Ni pestilencia que ande en oscuridad,Ni mortandad que en medio del día destruya.

En muchas partes de México y Latinoamérica por desgracia se viven situaciones de violencia que muchas veces rebasan nuestra confianza en la protección divina, sin embargo para los hijos de Dios, existe la promesa de que Él nos librará de todo peligro y que bajo sus alas estaremos protegidos.
Pero ¿eso quiere decir que nunca pasaremos por alguna situación difícil o traumática? no, eso no dice la biblia.

A lo largo de nuestra vida, Dios seguirá "guardando nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes en Cristo Jesús" (Filipenses 4:7), proporcionándonos la fortaleza, y la paz que necesitamos para pasar cualquier prueba o dificultad. Su Espíritu produce en nosotros el fruto que nos fortalecerá, y Él nos proporcionará herramientas poderosas con las que podemos defendernos de los ataques espirituales del enemigo.

No hay nada malo con pedir protección física de Dios, de hecho es un anhelo para muchas personas que vivimos en zonas vulnerables, pero debemos también comprender que no siempre va a concederlo. Él sabe que somos fortalecidos por las luchas que aparecen en nuestro camino, y en cada lucha física, estamos seguros de su protección espiritual. Así que, en lugar de buscar completa protección física de Dios, podemos estar de acuerdo con Santiago cuando dice, "Hermanos míos, tened por sumo gozo cuando os halléis en diversas pruebas, sabiendo que la prueba de vuestra fe produce paciencia" (Santiago 1:2-3).

Asi que aun cuando pasemos por el peor de los peligros, de la pruebas o dolores, El Señor seguirá siendo el unico refugio seguro que cuidará nuestra mente y corazón


Psalm 91:1-6
He who lives in the shelter of the Most High. He will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord: My hope and my castle; My God, in whom I will trust. He will deliver you from the trapper's snare, from the destroying pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will be safe; Shield and buckler is his truth. You will not fear the terror by night, Nor the arrow that flies by day, Nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor the destruction that destroys at noonday.

In many parts of Mexico and Latin America, unfortunately, there are situations of violence that often exceed our trust in divine protection. However, for the children of God, there is the promise that He will free us from all danger and that under His wings we will be protected.
But does that mean that we will never go through any difficult or traumatic situation? No, the Bible doesn't say that.

Throughout our lives, God will continue to "guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7), providing us with the strength and peace we need to overcome any trial or difficulty. His Spirit produces fruit in us that will strengthen us, and He will provide us with powerful tools with which we can defend ourselves against the spiritual attacks of the enemy.

There is nothing wrong with asking for physical protection from God, in fact it is a desire for many people who live in vulnerable areas, but we must also understand that He will not always grant it. He knows that we are strengthened by the struggles that come our way, and in every physical struggle, we are assured of His spiritual protection. So, instead of seeking complete physical protection from God, we can agree with James when he says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience" (James 1 :2-3).

So even when we go through the worst of dangers, trials or pains, The Lord will continue to be the only safe refuge that will take care of our minds and hearts.

Session Three

Saturday, October 7th
12:10 PM - 1:20 PM Pacific / 3:10 PM - 4:20 PM Eastern

Trauma and Grief, Jesus is the Healer

Tammy Fleming and Jennifer Konzen


Well-known author and therapist Jennifer Konzen teams up with Grief Recovery Method® Specialist Tammy Fleming for a conversation about how to connect to God’s healing power in all kinds of ordinary and extraordinary situations of trauma and loss. Find out where we may need to fine-tune our beliefs to allow God’s healing to take place; what helps people recover from trauma and grief and what is not so helpful?

Healing Hearts: Empowering Sisterhood in Conversations about Substance Use Disorder

PANEL DISCUSSION: Elena Carrillo, Gigi Galloway, Michelle Hitt, Debbie Kirkpatrick

This breakout is a transformative class where a panel of courageous and compassionate women come together to foster a safe and supportive environment for open discussions about substance use disorder and their hope in Christ. Join this panel of inspiring women as they candidly answer questions, offer insights, and provide support on what helped and what didn't in their journey toward healing and recovery. Together, let us forge a path of strength, understanding, and sisterhood in navigating the complexities of substance use disorder while being a daughter of God.

Bright Angel: Family and Suicide

Cynthia Villanueva

The loss of a child is one of the most horrific things a parent can experience, but we worship a Father who understands. God will hold the hurting through the deep valleys and steep hills. As the Bible says, death is like the thief in the night, coming when you least expect them. Loved ones may be taken far too soon, but God pulls us again and again from pain and suffering. Cynthia will share candidly about her own journey, and provide practicals in working through the grieving process. You'll discover how to see God even in the worst circumstances. From the beginning to the end of your journey, you’ll see your Bright Angel in your path.

Afflicted but not Crushed: Deep Wounds of Sexual Betrayal

McEmsara Quesada and Fatimah Saunders

In marriage, betrayal trauma has a way of leaving deep, agonizing wounds. It’s common to feel debilitated and unsure of what to do in the wake of your husband’s sin. Feelings can include loneliness, the inability to communicate pain, fear of shame, judgment, and condemnation. Questions often asked: Am I going crazy? Why do I feel so angry or out of control emotionally?

As women, it is important to be persistent in prayer, have a safe circle of women who get it, normalize past and present experiences, and have radical genuineness and acceptance. In the dark valley, we can find God’s love, grace, and mercy guiding us to the light of hope. Join us as we share God’s transformative power and our recovery journey. We are afflicted but not crushed!

"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. 2 Cor 4:8-9

Why Me, Why Now?

Candi Kizer and Karen Nicholson

Sudden, unexpected loss of a spouse or child is “gut punch”. How do you move through this? How do you make sense of this? How do you not feel abandoned, shunned, or in a deep pit? How do you remain faithful and strong? Please join us as two women share our tales of loss and pain and how we have coped in maintaining sanity and spirituality. Guests will learn how to use your voice to get what you need at the time of loss, as well as to express what is unhelpful; learn ways to accept your new identity in the loss; and finding a way to still stand with God.

Beyond Survival: Finding Meaning and Purpose in the Journey of Raising a Child With Special Needs

Vicky Bergem and Claudette Lusan

The class "Beyond Survival: Finding Meaning and Purpose in the Journey of Raising a Child With Special Needs" is designed to provide support, guidance, and empowerment to parents and caregivers who are navigating the unique challenges of raising a child with special needs.

In this class, participants will explore topics such as acceptance, self-care, advocacy, and building a support network. Emphasis will be placed on moving beyond mere survival mode and discovering the profound meaning and purpose that can be found in this journey.

The ultimate goal of the class is to help participants shift their perspective from a place of overwhelm and isolation to one of empowerment and fulfillment. By embracing the journey and discovering a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, parents and caregivers will be better equipped to provide the love, care, and support their child needs, while also nurturing their own personal growth and well-being.

Afternoon Keynote

Navigating Transition: Moving Past the Pain with BJ Foster
Saturday, October 7th 1:40 PM - 2:40 PM PDT /
4:40 PM - 5:40 PM EDT


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