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Cherise Montgomery

Chicago, IL

Cherise Montgomery was baptized into Christ in 1990 and has two wonderful adult sons who are thriving disciples. As a result of walking with God through the dark waters of divorce; Cherise is helping women find healing and hope as a spiritual mentor to those who are suffering from the pain of marital betrayal, separation and divorce. Additionally, she serves as a Spiritual Discovery facilitator in recovery groups for women overcoming spiritual strongholds, codependency and addictions. Cherise is a member of the Southland region of the Chicago Church of Christ and serves as a small group leader for mature single women.

The Shock and Shards of Divorce: Walking with God While Grieving the Death of a Marriage

Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. I am worn out calling for help. --Psalm 69:1-3a NIV

Enduring marital betrayal and divorce can feel like you’re drowning in a sea of pain. Often, it’s difficult to connect with God because the pain is combined with confusion and fear for the future. However, we are not alone. We have a Savior who has tasted the bitter fruit of betrayal. He understands our pain and can heal our hearts and give us hope for the future.  

In this class, Bonnie and Cherise will share how they walked with God while grieving the devastation of divorce and allowed Him to reframe the shards of their shattered lives into a mosaic of beauty and peace.



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