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Alejandra Estrada


Alejandra Estrada, was born and was baptized in the Church of Christ in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in 1999. There she served for almost 20 years together with her husband Lauro in the different ministries and as the main support of the church leaders. She currently  directs the women's ministry of the church in Culiacan,  Mexico since 2019. She knows of the danger that has meant settling in these cities, both considered at the time the most dangerous in the world due to the cartel war in her country.

Living in Fear

When your life is in constant danger, when insecurity and fear are with you every step of the way, and when loss and grief become a part of your new reality, it might seem like there's no end to it. Whether we wonder for ourselves or seek to walk with others on their journey, it is important for us to better understand how supporting one another can be vital in these circumstances. This class is about our sisters who have experienced or are experiencing political instability, ongoing war, civil strife, living in drug-lord hostage countries, economic hardship, and their effects on women in these countries and how they coped, are coping, or are managing to stay afloat.

The Only Safe Haven (El Unico Refugio Seguro)

This class will be presented in Spanish. /

Esta clase será presentada en español.


Salmo 91:1-6

El que habita al abrigo del Altísimo. Morará bajo la sombra del Omnipotente.  Diré yo a Jehová: Esperanza mía, y castillo mío;Mi Dios, en quien confiaré. Él te librará del lazo del cazador, de la peste destructora. Con sus plumas te cubrirá,y debajo de sus alas estarás seguro; Escudo y adarga es su verdad.  No temerás el terror nocturno,Ni saeta que vuele de día, Ni pestilencia que ande en oscuridad,Ni mortandad que en medio del día destruya.

En muchas partes de México y Latinoamérica por desgracia se viven situaciones de violencia que muchas veces rebasan nuestra confianza en la protección divina, sin embargo para los hijos de Dios, existe la promesa de que Él nos librará de todo peligro y que bajo sus alas estaremos protegidos.

Pero ¿eso quiere decir que nunca pasaremos por alguna situación difícil o traumática? no, eso no dice la biblia. 

A lo largo de nuestra vida, Dios seguirá "guardando nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes en Cristo Jesús" (Filipenses 4:7), proporcionándonos la fortaleza, y la  paz  que necesitamos para pasar cualquier prueba o dificultad. Su Espíritu produce en nosotros el fruto que nos fortalecerá, y Él nos proporcionará herramientas poderosas con las que podemos defendernos de los ataques espirituales del enemigo.

No hay nada malo con pedir protección física de Dios, de hecho es un anhelo para muchas personas que vivimos en zonas vulnerables, pero debemos también comprender  que  no siempre va a concederlo. Él sabe que somos fortalecidos por las luchas que aparecen en nuestro camino, y en cada lucha física, estamos seguros de su protección espiritual. Así que, en lugar de buscar completa protección física de Dios, podemos estar de acuerdo con Santiago cuando dice, "Hermanos míos, tened por sumo gozo cuando os halléis en diversas pruebas, sabiendo que la prueba de vuestra fe produce paciencia" (Santiago 1:2-3).

Asi que aun cuando pasemos por el peor de los peligros, de la pruebas o dolores, El Señor seguirá siendo el unico refugio seguro que cuidará nuestra mente y corazón 


Psalm 91:1-6

He who lives in the shelter of the Most High. He will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord: My hope and my castle; My God, in whom I will trust. He will deliver you from the trapper's snare, from the destroying pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will be safe; Shield and buckler is his truth. You will not fear the terror by night, Nor the arrow that flies by day, Nor the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor the destruction that destroys at noonday.

In many parts of Mexico and Latin America, unfortunately, there are situations of violence that often exceed our trust in divine protection. However, for the children of God, there is the promise that He will free us from all danger and that under His wings we will be protected.

But does that mean that we will never go through any difficult or traumatic situation? No, the Bible doesn't say that.

Throughout our lives, God will continue to "guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7), providing us with the strength and peace we need to overcome any trial or difficulty. His Spirit produces fruit in us that will strengthen us, and He will provide us with powerful tools with which we can defend ourselves against the spiritual attacks of the enemy.

There is nothing wrong with asking for physical protection from God, in fact it is a desire for many people who live in vulnerable areas, but we must also understand that He will not always grant it. He knows that we are strengthened by the struggles that come our way, and in every physical struggle, we are assured of His spiritual protection. So, instead of seeking complete physical protection from God, we can agree with James when he says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience" (James 1 :2-3).

So even when we go through the worst of dangers, trials or pains, The Lord will continue to be the only safe refuge that will take care of our minds and hearts.

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