Laura Doherty
Laura Doherty resides in Kalamazoo, MI. She was baptized in the North Ministry of the Chicago Church January 26, 2014. Her struggle throughout life finds its deep roots in the truth of the creation ordinance. Especially God’s plan for sexuality. She is a mother of a 23 year old son. She is his biological mother through an unknown donor while being in a 15 year relationship with a woman. She is a retired elementary physical education teacher. After retiring in June 2020 she moved to Kalamazoo to be part of the Kalamazoo Church planting. She is involved with the Women’s Strength in Weakness Ministries and has participated and facilitated Spiritual Discovery Groups. She has recently received a certificate from Dr. Joel Fuhrman to be a Nutritarian Coach. She gives all due credit to Jesus. His Spirit has guided her to all ministry and certificate experiences. His Spirit has helped her to embrace God’s plan for sexuality and nutritional excellence.
It's Time to Own Your Belovedness
Class info coming soon.